We are happy to announce the Digital Learning staff development programme for July 2021. The CSM Digital Learning team have collaborated with the central team and digital learning staff across UAL to deliver these sessions. So, you may get to see some familiar faces or expand your network across the University. Either way, we hope you will find something that will help to underpin your teaching or professional practice in the next academic year. The programme is now available here. You can book these sessions through ESS.
Additionally, we are offering a session on Blended Learning specifically to help you implement this in your courses for the new academic year:
Blended Learning for CSM Staff – Tuesday 13 July 10-11.30am . To book a spot in this session, visit this link. Alternatively, if you would like this session to be delivered within your programme team, please email csmdigitallearning@arts.ac.uk
And coming soon, resources to inspire a clearer road map around Moodle! Use these videos to organise your Moodle pages in a way that helps staff and students to navigate it more calmly:
Moodle tips – How to stop your students getting lost in the digital maze: You will find this asynchronous resource here. To follow this up, join our fortnightly Q&A sessions, starting on Friday 16th July, running until the end of October. The Q&A sessions will be drop-in and open to all staff who need to use Moodle, especially if you are setting up new Moodle pages for next year. This is a drop-in, but if you would like to let us know you are coming we can share the link and make sure we prioritise your questions. Let us know here.
For September:
Finally, looking forward to September. We would like to give you the opportunity to help shape what staff development is on offer. Please complete this form to enable us to respond to your needs. Alternatively, we are always happy to hear from you through other channels such as csmdigitallearning@arts.ac.uk