Upcoming training

Staff Development: Autumn 2024

This Autumn we are launching our CSM Digital Learning Staff Induction sessions for all new academic and course admin staff, or current staff who feel they would benefit from an introduction to Moodle and other Digital Learning platforms.  

Please note, we are keen to support all new staff in the academic teams and there is funding available for HPLs to attend. 

If you prefer a face to face session, please just get in touch.

We also strongly recommend all new staff attend our Creating accessible documents training. See below for dates.

Studying at the CSM library
  • Introduction to Moodle at CSM, including navigation, course pages, communication and where to find support. 
  • Introduction to two of the other platforms used at CSM: Miro, myblog, Padlet, Workflow, Panopto and MS Teams.  
  • Signposting accessibility training and further support.
  • Optional follow-up sessions – 30mins session in the Spring and Summer terms to address any issues or learn something new.

CSM sessions: Please note, bookings are via ESS.

VR at Christmas! 30min slots

Wednesday 11 December 2-4pm (book in for a 30 minute slot)

Come along to a fun, hands-on session trying out VR headsets and hopefully decorating a (virtual) tree! Slots are 30mins each with a maximum of 4 participants so we can help you step into the virtual world as quickly as possible. Spaces are limited so book soon! 

Monday 9 December 2-3pm

In this session we will look at how to set up a video submission point using the Panopto plugin. Panopto is our UAL video hosting platform and is integrated with Moodle. Panopto accepts a broad range of file types and sizes, making it easier for students to submit video files. It also makes it easier for staff to review work with the inclusion of automatic captioning and removing the need to download the video file.  

Friday 13 December 10-11am

In this session we will look at and discuss how simple digital tools can help improve flexibility in assessment, provide opportunities to capture learning, and help break down barriers to accessing feedback.  

ALT Text as Poetry 

Monday 9 December, 11am – 12.30pm

Using image-based AI to support student learning 

Monday 9 December, 2-3pm

Creating accessible learning materials

Part 1: Designing Word and PowerPoint documents for everyone – Monday 9 December, 10.30 – 11.45am

Part 2: Creating and editing PDFs – Thursday 12 December, 4-5pm 

Supporting student learning with text-based AI 

Wednesday 18 September, 11am – 12pm 

Designing Video Supported Learning Activities 

Thursday 12 December, 11am – 12pm 

Creating Accessible Learning Spaces in Miro 

Thursday 12 December, 2 – 3pm 

We need to talk about your Powerpoints. 

Friday 13 December, 11am – 12pm 

For more information about the UAL sessions please visit Canvas.

As always, we are also happy to organise bespoke training or workshops, or to plan a longer term project with course and admin teams.

Please let us know if you have any requests, or just get in touch for a chat.

For more information about any of the above training and support, please contact: