Summative Video Assignment submissions
The Digital Learning team created a supported process to help students submit videos to Moodle. Panopto is UAL’s video hosting and recording platform and replaces the ad hoc work arounds that staff have had to rely on in the past.
However, unlike staff, students are not able to create video content in Panopto. They can however use Panopto to submit video files for assessment. The three step process outlined below gives an overview of how Panopto and Moodle integration facilitates this.
Using Moodle to set up a Panopto assignment submission
The setting up of a regular (non Panopto) file submission area in Moodle will be familiar to many colleagues. Setting up a Panopto video submission area is very similar but with some key differences. These include:
- Use the Moodle assignment tool, not Feedback Studio (Turnitin)
- Submission types should be set to Online text
Please note that the Panopto block also needs to have been provisioned.
Creating assignment submission folders in Panopto
This is a multi-step process which requires some familiarity with Panopto, particularly the setting up of folders. The process includes:
- Set up multiple folders including one for on time submissions and one for late submissions, EC and ISA.
Please note that Panopto folders need to be closed manually otherwise students can continue to submit via Moodle passed the submission due date.
Student submissions
Submitting a video follows a similar process to submitting a text document however it is crucial that the video is placed in a specific folder. It the student fails to do this then the video will be very difficult for anyone marking the work to locate.
To mitigate students uploading their file to the wrong folder it is suggested that submission instructions highlighting the specific folder be linked to the Moodle assignment brief/submission area.
Video tutorials
The links below are for video guidance provided by our colleagues in LCC.
Further information about Panopto is available via our Panopto page
Contact Us
If you are thinking of creating a video assignment, please get in touch for more information and full guidance on the process.