Digital Tools In Practice

Reflections on the MBA hybrid teaching weekend

In order to support hybrid teaching at CSM, new technology is been installed in various rooms. This includes a microphone, speakers and video camera. This is being led by Arya and his team. Technical support for the session was provided by two learning technologists, one physically present in C202 (Damien) and one online (Tim).  On Friday, students arrived for their […]

Curriculum Activisms Learning & Teaching

Curriculum Activisms & Interrupting Silences: Andrea Zimmerman and Kane Husbands in discussion

This recording is from the launch of Curriculum Activisms at CSM on Friday 9th October. In this video, Andrea Zimmerman and Kane Husbands from BA PDP discuss their creative approaches to online pedagogy since Covid-19. They respond specifically to the short film they made with fellow PDP colleague Rosa-Johan Uddoh back in the summer term. Full captions […]

Curriculum Activisms Learning & Teaching

Curriculum Activisms & Interrupting Silences: Kira Salter from BA GCD – participatory approaches

This recording is from the launch of Curriculum Activisms at CSM on Friday 9th October. In this video, Kira Salter from BA GCD shares her experiences of and reflections on the participatory approaches she uses in her teaching, and how they have grown over time. Full captions are available. Please press the ‘Subtitles/Closed Captions’ button on the […]

Curriculum Activisms Learning & Teaching

Curriculum Activisms & Interrupting Silences: Mikael Calandra Achode

This recording is from the launch of Curriculum Activisms at CSM on Friday 9th October. In this video, Mikael Calandra Achode (lecturer on BA GCD and Outreach) sets the context for the collaboration between his company, Crudo Volta, and Free the Youth, an NGO based in Accra. Full captions are available. Please press the ‘Subtitles/Closed Captions’ button […]

Curriculum Activisms Learning & Teaching

Curriculum Activisms & Interrupting Silences: Jeremy Till sets the scene

This recording is from the launch of Curriculum Activisms at CSM on Friday 9th October. In this clip, Head of College Jeremy Till opened the event and set the scene, from both personal and institutional perspectives. Full captions are available. Please press the ‘Subtitles/Closed Captions’ button on the YouTube player below.

Curriculum Activisms In Practice Learning & Teaching

In Practice: Pedagogy in Performance Design and Practice during Covid-19

[Access notes: for Closed Captions, please select the option above in the embedded YouTube player (to the left of the Settings ‘cog’ icon.] Andrea Zimmerman, Rosa-Johan Uddoh and Kane Husbands from Performance Design and Practice have made this 20-minute film to showcase some of the works produced by undergraduate students thus far during Covid-19 and […]

In Practice Learning & Teaching

In Practice: Dr Betti Marenko: Stay alert to the toolification of experience. The technocratic shift is here.

Stay alert Dr Betti Marenko, Contextual Studies Leader for BA Product Design and Reader in Design and Techno-Digital Futures, writes to caution us about the toolification of experience and the technocratic shift. Click below to download Betti’s incisive article, where she encourages us all to maintain critical perspectives on how we use technologies and tools […]

In Practice Learning & Teaching

In Practice: MURAL on BA Architecture

MURALa short introduction on its use for design tutorialsby Oscar Brito-Gonzalez, Stage 3 Leader BA (Hons) Architecture Spaces and Objects MURALis a sort of whiteboard, a canvas that can be customised for collaborative design sessions,tutorials, etc.the dimension of the Mural is customisable, from a paper to a wall size, allowing for individualor collective work spaces. […]

In Practice Learning & Teaching

In Practice: Reflection in GCD

What is it? In the rapid pace of this term, Graphic Communication Design Programme Director Rebecca Ross knew that the programme teams need time to take stock and look ahead. She decided to facilitate reflective discussions using structured prompts and devise new mechanisms for colleagues to share their teaching and learning practice. Reflective practice aims […]

In Practice Learning & Teaching

In Practice: ‘White Table Crits’ in Graphic Communication Design

What are they?  Kira Salter, Stage 3 Leader for BA Graphic Communication Design at CSM, knew that final year students are missing their social and collaborative conversations around the white tables in the course’s open studio. Acting quickly to replicate this space and maintain a sense of community, Kira designed the white table crits. These are weekly independent crits (without tutors) for small groups of 3-5 students to maintain their communities of practice and discuss their work […]