Getting in touch…
We’d love to hear from you! If you have questions, feedback, suggestions, stories, or requests, please get in touch.
Please contact us individually or via CSM Digital learning. For more information about your Programme Contacts in Digital learning, visit the Embedded Support page.
Email the CSM Digital Learning team at:
Alternatively talk to one of our team member embedded in a CSM programme:
You can also talk to CSM’s Teaching Learning and Attainment Coordinator:

Xavier Briche
Head of Digital Delivery
Xavier joined CSM after having led the Digital Learning department from its inception at University of Roehampton 9 years ago.
After completing his studies at Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Techniques du Theatre (ENSATT) in Paris, he worked as a practitioner, designer and in a range of technical roles in France and Europe. Since 2001, he has worked in Arts Education in university and conservatoire settings including at Trinity Laban.
Xavier is a member of the UK Heads of eLearning Forum (HeLF) Steering Group where he created and runs the annual survey ‘What’s in Your Toolbox?’ on the Educational Technology offer and market in UK HE. He has also been involved in JISC consultation and in the UK HE Learning Spaces Toolkit in 2018. In 2021, he was a panel member of APUC for the Procurement Framework of Moodle VLEs in Scotland.

Elena Hernández-Martín
Digital Learning Producer
Elena joined UAL in 2022, having worked in senior roles in digital education at King’s College and other HE institutions since 2008. She studied Media in Spain and Interactive Learning Design in London. While working as a photographer, Elena became interested in Digital Education; she has a MA in Digital Media Design and has won DL design innovation awards.
Elena has held positions as DL Producer and Director (Interim) (LCC), Senior DL developer (King’s College London) and Learning Design manager (RVC). She has managed institution wide interdisciplinary teams/projects, written and embedded policies and conducted large benchmarking exercises. Her areas of expertise are DL UX design, learning design, usability, inclusiveness and accessibility.
Elena is currently working towards a Principal Fellowship. By working and influencing online/blended learning Elena aims to help making education a more inclusive, accessible and affordable resource.

Amy Urry
Senior Digital Learning Coordinator
My background is in Further Education as an ESOL lecturer and, for the last twelve years, as a teacher trainer and coach. Recently, I have been a PGCE tutor and, during the pandemic, supported my Faculty in switching to online learning.
My main areas of interest are developing student-centred approaches to teaching, and how digital tools can support and open up new opportunities for active learning and inclusivity. I’m very happy to be continuing this work at CSM.

Annabel Crowley
Teaching, Learning and Attainment Coordinator
I am an educational designer / developer / facilitator and senior lecturer, currently based at Central Saint Martins.
My experience includes 10+ years at UAL, across student services, EDI/Organisational Development, academic course teams and educational development. Prior to UAL, I worked in the FE and third sectors in project management, access support, and community development.
My research interests include ‘pedagogies of neurodivergence’; critical theory and practice; facilitation methods for holding conflict; changemaking practices.

Damien Borowik
Learning Technologist
I have been working at Central Saint Martins for more than 20 years in various roles, creating the online short courses provision at CSM and teaching interactive design back in the days.Apart from supporting digital teaching and learning, I am interested in building communities of practice and using creative technologies in education.
I have a BA in Graphic Design from Central Saint Martins, MA in Computational Arts from Goldsmiths, and an MA in Open and Distance Education from the Open University. I also teach an online short course in Creative Coding at the Creative Computing Institute while pursuing my digital art practice (

Sarah Leontovitsch
Digital Learning Coordinator
I am the Digital Learning Coordinator for Central Saint Martins. My digital practice focuses on User Experience and Web Design. I recently graduated with a MA in Digital Media Design. I have worked supporting staff and students across the college for 15 years and am delighted to continue supporting the CSM community in the digital space.