Managing your course

  • Preparing courses for the new academic year (PDF)
  • Updating the Course Image (PDF)
  • Turn off Email Notifications (PDF)
  • Minimum Course Requirements (PDF)
  • Switch Role to Student View (PDF)
  • How to Import a Glossary and Database (PDF)


Attendance (YouTube video, 6:20s)
Attendance: set up for Culture and Enterprise (CSM video, 5:43s)
Importing content from one Moodle course into another (UAL video, 6:45s)

Organising learning materials for the benefit of your students 

In Moodle, students need to quickly and intuitively find the resources and activities relevant to their studies. This video offers some simple strategies to help your students find what they’re looking for on Moodle.

Grouping course content in Moodle 

Grouping together related learning resources in Moodle helps students navigate and interact with course content in a methodical and meaningful way. This video explains the options for grouping course content on Moodle and advice on which one to use depending on the type of content.