Welcome to Panopto

Recording, editing and hosting video. Panopto is our digital learning platform for recording and publishing educational videos. Audio, video and screen recordings can be made with Panopto or media files can be uploaded to the platform. Panopto is not used for live teaching but is ideal to use to create pre-recorded lectures.
The link to the homepage is: https://ual.cloud.panopto.eu/. Panopto can be accessed using your UAL login details
Recoding methods

Prior to Panopto one way that staff were able to create pre-recorded lectures was via Collaborate Ultra. Panopto has proved to be a much better solution that Collaborate and offers improved audio and video quality, navigation and accessibility.
You are able to record videos directly with your browser or alternatively you can download the Panopto app. The former is very simple to use but does not offer the breadth of features provide by the app.
Recording in the browser
This is by far the simplest way to use Panopto and is recommended for anyone who is technology averse. Please note that the Panopto app does offer additional features.
The Panopto app
Please note that if your operating system is older than the minimum requirements below that it will not work. If this is the case please use the browser option.
If you are downloading the Panopto app to a UAL managed machine then please do this via UAL Self Service. If you are using your own Mac or PC then please click on the relevant button below.
Panopto: getting started

Panopto comes with numerous powerful features such as automatic captions. You have the ability to capture video within Panopto as well as upload pre recored video.
Video guides
Panopto: going further

Panopto includes really powerful features such as displaying third party videos hosted on YouTube, quiz creation and the ability to link through to webpages.
Video guides
Panopto & accessibility

Panopto offers a rich variety of accessibility and inclusivity features. Panopto’s web page, ‘Learn About Accessibility Features’ makes reference to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and focuses on screen reader support, keyboard access and captioning.
Accessibility & inclusivity
In addition to this, Panopto offers a broader set of features These relate to a wider definition of accessibility and inclusivity, some of which might also come under the heading of study support. Study support features include ‘Discussion’, ‘Notes’ and ‘Bookmarks’. ‘Discussion’ is similar to the comments section in YouTube. Open to anyone with access to the video, ‘discussion’ provides viewers with the opportunity to type comments and to type responses to other peoples comments. Notes and Bookmarks are personal to the viewer and not shared with others. Viewers can use these features to synchronise notes to specific points in the video. For more information about the various ways Panopto can support accessibility and inclusivity please follow the links below.
Please note that some features such as automatic captioning are not by default enabled. Though very simple to set up, this can only be set up by the video owner (the video viewer).
Video Assignments

Student video assignment submissions
Unlike staff, students are not able to create video content in Panopto. They can however use Panopto to submit video files for assessment. The three step process outlined below gives an overview of how Panopto and Moodle integration facilitates this. For more information and a step by step guide, please refer to the video tutorials provided by our colleagues in LCC.
1. Using Moodle to set up a Panopto assignment submission
The setting up of a regular (non Panopto) file submission area in Moodle will be familiar to many colleagues. Setting up a Panopto video submission area is very similar but with some key differences. These include:
- Use the Moodle assignment tool, not Feedback Studio (Turnitin)
- Submission types should be set to Online text
Please note that the Panopto block also needs to have been provisioned.
2. Creating assignment submission folders in Panopto
This is a multi-step process which requires some familiarity with Panopto, particularly the setting up of folders. The process includes:
- Set up multiple folders including one for on time submissions and one for late submissions, EC and ISA.
Please note that Panopto folders need to be closed manually otherwise students can continue to submit via Moodle passed the submission due date.
3. Student submissions
Submitting a video follows a similar process to submitting a text document however it is crucial that the video is placed in a specific folder. It the student fails to do this then the video will be very difficult for anyone marking the work to locate.
To mitigate students uploading their file to the wrong folder it is suggested that submission instructions highlighting the specific folder be linked to the Moodle assignment brief/submission area.
Please note: To get started we recommend contacting CSM Digital Learning to find out how they can at least in the initial stages support your course or program with Panopto video summative assignment submissions.
Additional resources

There are many additional resources out there, some are specific to Panopto where as others are more general in terms of guidance around creating educational videos in general.
Panopto’s own guides
UAL: educational videos
The button below provides a mixture of pedagogic and technical information and is provided by UAL. The link is to a webpage.