Turning your slide presentation into a video
Do you need to record a slide presentation as a video? Below are numerous tools to help you do this.

Panopto: Best staff solution
Pros: Industry standard solution for recording and editing slide-based presentations. Excellent quality audio and images. Panopto integrates with Moodle so that videos can appear automatically within Moodle. Panopto provides a very powerful speech to text function and a very useful navigation option that allows students to navigate the recording by slide. Students can also seach the recording using a standard search box.
Cons: From the students’ perspective there are no cons but from a setup/admin point of view there is a little time required to understand how to best integrate your Panopto account with your Moodle course.
Current minimum system requirements
Windows 7 and above
Mac OS 10.13 and above
Loom: Best student solution
Pros: Loom is very simple to use and offers high quality audio and video. By default it displays the slides and a thumbnail of the presenter via their webcam. Loom can also be used by staff. The video is hosted by Loom and the student would just submit the link to their video recording.
Cons: For best results the Loom application should be downloaded to your computer. Although this is not really a con, this can be problematic on a UAL managed machine.
Please note that Loom offers all staff and students in full time education a free license. Loom is not supported by UAL.
Current minimum system requirements
Windows 7 and above
Mac OS 10.10 and above
Alternative solutions
There are numerous other solutions and some of these are displayed above. Please note video in most instances can’t be uploaded directly to Moodle (you upload the link to the video rather than the video itself). If you use Loom or Panopto you will be provided with a link. If you use Collaborate Ultra the file will automatically appear in Moodle. If you use QuickTime or PowerPoint you will need to upload the video to a video/file sharing website/server. Examples include Microsoft Stream, YouTube and Vimeo).
In summery
UAL staff – if your computer meets the minimum spec then Panopto if not Collaborate Ultra or Loom. UAL student – Loom. Guest speaker without UAL account – Collaborate Ultra (via the guest link)
Additional resource
Panopto overview (webpage)
Loom website (webpage)
Creating educational video (UAL webpage)
Collaborate Ultra
Turn your slide presentation into a video with Collaborate Ultra (video)
Recording your lecture via a Collaborate Ultra guest link (video)
Moodle Admin: Online classroom and lecture naming conventions (video)