Staff Development: Spring 2025
CSM Digital Learning Staff Induction:
Our CSM Digital Learning Staff Induction sessions continue this term. Open to all new academic and course admin staff, or current staff who feel they would benefit from an introduction to Moodle and other Digital Learning platforms, please book one of the sessions below:
- Friday 7 February 11-12pm (online)
- Monday 24 February 3-4pm (online)
- Tuesday 25 March 1-2pm (in-person at Kings Cross)
Please note, we are keen to support all new staff in the academic teams and there is funding available for HPLs to attend.
We also strongly recommend all new staff attend our Creating accessible documents training. See below for dates.

What will the induction cover?
- Introduction to Moodle at CSM, including navigation, course pages, communication and where to find support.
- Introduction to two of the other platforms used at CSM: Miro, myblog, Padlet, Workflow, Panopto and MS Teams.
- Signposting accessibility training and further support.
- Optional follow-up sessions – 30mins session in the following two terms to address any issues or learn something new.
Spring term sessions:
Creating accessible learning materials
To support UAL’s commitment to creating an inclusive learning environment, we have two sessions to support you to create learning materials that all students can access.
Part 1: Designing Word and PowerPoint documents for everyone
Monday 24 March 10.30 – 11.45am
In Part 1, we will look at Word and PowerPoint and show you the fundamentals of accessible design, including; formatting, heading structure, alternative text and use of images, reading order and using the built-in accessibility checkers.
Part 2: Ensuring your PDFs are accessible
Thursday 27 March 10.30-11.30am
Following on from Part 1, if you decide to convert your documents to a PDF, we will show you how to do a final check in Adobe Acrobat pro to ensure your documents are fully accessible before you upload them to Moodle.
AI conversation with students: Starter workshop
On demand: contact us to arrange date and time
One hour workshop to help you start having a conversation around the use of AI in your course.
Don’t forget our Digital Learning staff inductions:
- Friday 7 February 11-12pm (online)
- Monday 24 February 3-4pm (online)
- Tuesday 25 March 1-2pm (in-person at Kings Cross)
Getting started with Padlet
Wednesday 26 February 3.30-4.30pm
We will cover all the basics, logging in, setting up a board, sharing settings as well as some of the great new features for presentation and collaboration.
Using Miro for collaboration
Wednesday 26 March 11.30am
You will work together with fellow attendees to design a collaborative activity using one of several readily available templates. You will also experience using Miro for presentations and get tips on preparing and facilitating a Miro workshop with your students.
AI in Art and Design Education – Panel discussion
Join us for a panel discussion exploring the use of AI in Art and Design education, specifically regarding its impact on assessment. Our panellists include:
- Mark Farid (Fine Art)
- Elliot Burns (Curation and Criticism)
- Roger Tredre (Fashion Journalism)
- Tim Sokolow (Academic Support)
- Simon Adams (Pre-sessional English)
Friday, 28 March – 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM (online)
Please book via ESS:
We hope to see you there!
As always, we are also happy to organise bespoke training or workshops, or to plan a longer term project with course and admin teams.
Please let us know if you have any requests, or just get in touch for a chat.